Judges of the Structural Steel Design Awards
The Judges of the Structural Steel Design Awards
Professor Roger Plank PhD BSc CEng FIStructE MICE
Chairman of the Panel
Representing the Institution of Structural Engineers
Emily McDonald MEng MA (Cantab) CEng MICE
Representing the Institution of Civil Engineers
Richard Barrett MA (Cantab)
Representing the Steelwork Contracting Industry
Chris Nash BA (Hons) DipArch RIBA FRSA
Representing the Royal Institute of British Architects
David Chapman BEng CEng MIStructE
Representing the Steelwork Contracting Industry
Sarah Pellereau MEng CEng MIStructE
Representing the Institution of Structural Engineers
Paul Hulme BEng (Hons) CEng FICE
Representing the Institution of Civil Engineers
Bill Taylor BA (Hons) DipArch MA RIBA FRSA
Representing the Royal Institute of British Architects
Brogan MacDonald CEng CEnv MICE
Representing the Institution of Civil Engineers
Oliver Tyler BA (Hons) DipArch RIBA
Representing the Royal Institute of British Architects