Steel for Life

Steel for Life was established in 2015 with the key purpose of communicating and disseminating the advantages that steel offers to the construction sector which make it the material of choice for a wide range of buildings, bridgeworks and other structures.

We look to do this by working with and supporting architects, engineers, contractors and the wider building supply chain by providing knowledge, support and tools for designing in Steel.

Thank you to our Steel for Life sponsors

Headline Sponsors

Barrett Steel Headline Sponsor

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Barnshaw Section Benders Ltd
Behringer Ltd (Vernet Behringer)
Ficep (UK) Ltd
Joseph Ash Galvanizing
Sherwin Williams Ltd
Voortman UK Ltd

Steel for Life funding

Steel for Life is funded by the BCSA and sponsorship from its members, and is managed by an independent Advisory Board. The Advisory board meets three times per year.

Zoe Williams

Strategic Marketing Manager

Zoe is responsible for marketing, communications and sponsorship for BCSA and Steel for Life. Zoe also manages BCSA’s marketing; including developing the BCSA website and organising the trade association’s National Dinner. Zoe joined BCSA in 2021 and has over 15 years of marketing experience within the building sector.

Specialist Areas
  • Marketing
  • Sponsorship
  • Press and PR
  • Events and Communications