BCSA News and Insights
BCSA joins CO2nstructZero
Category: General
CO2nstructZero is a new, industry-wide initiative led by the Construction Leadership Council. Its role is not to develop new solutions, but to bring people and organisations together to consolidate collective actions and plans for the sector.
CO2nstructZero is the construction sector's response to Government's commitment to be Net Zero by 2050 and sets out how the industry can collectively meet the Net Zero target. Using the Climate Change Committee's 6th Carbon budget, CO2nstructZero defines nine priorities that form an action plan and sets out how progress will be measured.
The nine priorities are:
- Accelerating the shift of the construction workforce to zero emission vehicles and onsite plant
- Optimise the use of modern methods of construction and improved onsite logistics
- Championing developments that enable connectivity with low carbon modes of transport
- Retrofit buildings to improve the energy efficiency of the existing housing stock
- Scale up industry capability to deliver low carbon heat solutions in buildings
- Enhance the energy performance of new and existing buildings
- Implement carbon measurement to support our construction projects in making quantifiable decisions to remove carbon
- Become world leaders in designing out carbon, developing the capability of designers and construction professionals
- Support development of innovative low carbon materials as well as advancing low carbon solutions for manufacturing production processes and distribution.
BCSA is now a partner of CO2nstructZero, joining over 100 other construction organisations.
As a partner, BCSA will work with other organisations across the sector under the CLC banner. CO2nstructZero partners are required to commit to at least one of the following:
Signposting and support - providing guidance and support on one or more of the above priorities and reporting back to the CO2nstructZero board on missing guidance to support BCSA members
Communications and engagement - disseminate CO2nstructZero news and host member events that focus on one or more of the above priorities
Performance metrics - assist with the collection of data in support of the Performance Framework and support and monitor members to commit to carbon reductions
Business champions - to support members to become Business Champions

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