Steel Construction Sustainability Charter
Advancing steel as a sustainable form of construction in terms of carbon reduction, reuse and efficiency, economic viability, social progress and environmental responsibility.
Steel Construction Sustainability Charter
The objective of the Charter is to further advance steel as a sustainable form of construction in terms of carbon reduction, steel reuse and structural efficiency, economic viability, social progress and environmental responsibility.
Charter Member companies are audited against 15 criteria. The Charter can be awarded at four levels; Certified, Bronze, Silver and Gold. To achieve the Charter at any of these levels a minimum number of mandatory points and additional points must be obtained.
Companies with BES6001 Very good and Excellent certification will be awarded Gold status of the Charter and will not need to undertake the full charter application process.
Further information regarding the Charter requirements and application process, please visit:
The Sustainability Charter Requirements
- A published sustainability policy
- A policy to manage and reduce impacts relating to energy, water, waste, and business travel and where relevant, haulage
- A policy to measure and reduce the company carbon footprint in line with the BCSA sector target(s)
- The Organisation shall have a valid BS EN ISO 14001 Environmental Management System (EMS) certificate issued by a certification body accredited for that standard by a National Accreditation Body (NAB)
- A programme of involvement with their local community on social issues and with the steel construction community generally
- A structured programme for personnel training, development and communication
- A published equal opportunities policy
- A published ethical trading policy
- The Organisation shall have a valid BS EN ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems certificate issued by a certification body accredited for that standard by a National Accreditation Body (NAB)
- Use of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) techniques, measurement and monitoring to assess, understand and improve production efficiency and reduce the environmental impacts of the company’s processes
- A responsible sourcing policy
- The Organisation shall have a valid BS EN ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems (QMS) certificate issued by a certification body accredited for that standard by a National Accreditation Body (NAB)
- To procure at least 50% (by weight) of steel sections and plate from steel producers with a published decarbonisation roadmap
- A company commitment to contribute to efficient and optimised structural designs, taking into account, for example, carbon emissions and the reusability of the steel structure, and to communicate options to clients
- Demonstration of innovation relating to sustainable steel construction but not covered under the other requirements, since the last Charter audit
Sustainability Charter Objectives and Application
Charter Member companies are audited against a flexible set criteria where a minimum number of mandatory points and additional points must be obtained.

BCSA is committed to Sustainability and has in place a Sustainability Charter.