BCSA Membership Categories
BCSA Membership Categories
BCSA has four categories of membership; RQSC Steelwork Contractors for Buildings, RQSC Steelwork Contractors for Bridgeworks, Industry members and Stakeholder members.
Details regarding each category can be found in the links to the relevent pages below.
Further information is also available on our member
benefits and reasons why your company should become a member.

Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors for Buildings
Register of Qualified Contractors for Buildings
Find out more about Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors for Buildings

Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors for Bridgeworks
Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors for Bridgeworks
Find out more about Register of Qualified Steelwork Contractors for Bridgeworks

Industry Membership
The benefits of joining the BCSA as an Industry Member

Stakeholder Membership
The benefits of joining the BCSA as a Stakeholder Member
For more information on joining the BCSA, please contact:
Lorraine MacKinder
Membership Manager
Lorraine’s role is to provide membership administration to all members of BCSA. Lorraine is responsible for the RQSC Buildings and Bridgeworks assessment administration, new member administration, organisation of regional meetings, annual general meetings and in-house meetings. Lorraine has over 17 years experience as an administration manager and personal assistant.
Specialist Areas
- Assessment
- Administration
- Member queries
- New member enquiries
- Meeting organisation

BCSA Membership
As a member your organisation will receive value from a structured benefits offering and an enhanced listing in our directories

BCSA provides its members with information on a wide range of steel construction topics